Thank you for choosing AAA Water Systems for your water treatment needs. Below you will find some important information regarding your new equipment.

Please note: while your specific installation may look different, the instructions remain the same.

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How to shut off your drinking water system

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Turn the blue valve that is at the front of the system parallel to the tubing.


Turn the blue valve that is at the front of the system perpendicular to the tubing.

leak detector

How to reset your leak detector:

1. Wipe the sensor on back of leak detector completely dry as well as location surround leak detector.

2. Hold the “off – close” button for 3 seconds until alarm turns off.

3. Hold the “on – start” button for 3 seconds until a chime is made indicating the leak detector is operating again.

How to shut off a 3-way bypass

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In Service

Soft Water is being sent to your home.


System is bypassed and hard water is being sent to your home.

Water Off

No water is being sent to your home or your equipment.

How to shut off a Mach bypass

circle icon | Welcome to Your System


Soft Water is being sent to your home.


System is bypassed and hard water is being sent to your home.


No water is being sent to your home or your equipment.

Whole Home


Water Filter

Why does it feel like I can’t rinse the soap off my skin when I wash with soft water?

When you wash in soft water, you feel your skin the way it’s supposed to feel – clean and silky smooth. When you wash in hard water, the soap you’re using reacts with the hardness minerals in the water to form an insoluble residue that’s difficult to wash away, resulting in a “squeaky clean” sound/feeling. This is your skin sticking because of the soap residue. Soft water rinses your skin and hair better than hard water and doesn’t leave a soap or shampoo residue behind. The silky feeling you experience is actually the natural oils of your skin coming through when not blocked by hard water residue.

If I have a water softener, do I need a drinking water system too?

Yes, your water softener improves the working water throughout your home. This is the water used for bathing, cleaning and laundry. Softeners are not designed to improve drinking water quality. Drinking water systems improve the water that you use to drink and cook with by significantly reducing objectionable taste, odor and other potential contaminants that are commonly found in city and well water supplies.

Is soft water okay to drink?

Yes, soft water is okay for drinking and cooking. Since your softener regenerates with sodium chloride (salt), keep in mind that there will be a small amount of sodium added to the softened water. People who are on a sodium-restricted diet should consider the added sodium as part of their overall intake. For the highest quality drinking water possible, a Kinetico Drinking Water System will reduce as much as 98 percent of total dissolved solids, including sodium, from your water

What should I expect right after the equipment is installed?

You will notice soft water from the cold water tap right away, but it could take longer for the hot water, as the water heater may still contain hard water.

How do I know the water is soft?

You should have a good lather in the shower and a soft, slick feeling on your skin.

How often will my water softener regenerate?

Each Kinetico water softener is set up specifically for the household’s water chemistry. Your water softener regenerates based only on water usage, causing variations in regeneration frequency.

What is the noise I hear coming from the water softener?

This is perfectly normal, Kinetico water softeners regenerate based on the household’s water usage, so this could happen at any time during the day or night without interruption to your water usage. This noise will continue between 15-45 minutes depending on unit size until the regeneration process is complete.

How do I manually regenerate my water softener?

Using a Phillips screwdriver, apply pressure down to the softener valve center screw (see image to the right). This is located on the clear plastic cap, centered on top of the black valve head. Slowly turn the screw clockwise while applying downward pressure until you hear three to four clicks followed by water flowing through the lines. Repeat the manual procedure after the water flow stops to be sure that both resin tanks are regenerated (if applicable).

How do I know when it’s time to add salt to my water softener and how much do I add?


Lift the lid of the brine tank to check the level of salt. You can add salt any time there is enough room to accommodate at least one bag. However, take note that keeping the brine tank completely full of salt can contribute to salt bridging, which prevents the softener from regenerating properly. For a standard size brine drum (see image to the right) we recommend not to exceed 2/3 of its capacity.

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What salt do I use?

We suggest that you use high-purity salt. Un-pure salts may cause a salt bridge (thick block of salt) in the brine drum or may clog up the system with debris. This will cause your system to work inefficiently or to malfunction.

When should I change the filters near my water softener and what filters do I need?

Some water quality may require that we install a filter before your softener (pre-filter) to prevent debris that may be present in your water lines or water supply from entering your softener. It is best practice to check your pre-filter on a quarterly basis. Depending on the condition and the amount of debris in the filter, you may start experiencing a reduction in water pressure in your home. If you notice low water pressure the filter probably needs to be changed more often. If you’re unsure of the type of filter you need, give us a call!

Drinking Water

Reverse Osmosis

How do I know if my drinking water system is working properly?

Pure water that doesn't have a bad smell or taste is one of the indicators your system is functioning. If you have any concerns or suspicions that your drinking water system isn’t working correctly, please contact us! Some things you’ll notice when your system is not working correctly can be an odd water taste or the water pressure from the drinking water faucet decreases. It may be an indicator that new filters are necessary.

What’s the noise I hear from my drinking water system?

The system is making water and refilling the storage tank.

Do I still need my refrigerator filter if I have a drinking water system?

In most situations the answer is no as long as the drinking water system is feeding water to your refrigerator. If this is the case, you will need to refer to your refrigerator’s owner’s manual to determine the risks involved with removing the refrigerator filter.

How will I know when it’s time to change the filters(s) on my Kinetico Drinking Water System?

When a filter change is required, you will notice a dramatic reduction in the flow of
water. If the system has a Puremometer®, when the indicator drops low, it tells you it’s time for a filter change. The filters typically last for 500 gallons.

What filters do I need?

The type of filters you require is dependent on your household’s water supply. The filter options/placement are located on the inside of the panel of the drinking water system (K5 models only). Although you can change the filters yourself, we recommend that you contact us for assistance. We will be able to determine the exact filters your system requires. They may even come out and change the filters for you, sanitize the system, and check your water to ensure your system is functioning properly. If you choose to install the new filters yourself, carefully follow the instructions found in your owner’s manual.

Where can I purchase filters for my Kinetico Drinking Water System?

Start by giving us a call to determine the type of filters your system requires by checking your installation and service history. Filters and services can be purchased directly through us.


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