Common Concerns

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Soap Scum lime buildup

Arsenic & Nitrates



Chlorine Smell


Green Stain


Colored Water


Rotten Egg Smell


Arsenic & Nitrates

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Arsenic is a naturally occurring tasteless, colorless, and odorless element that is mainly found in ancient rock formations, but is also created as an industrial by-product of burning coal, mining or copper smelting. It can enter groundwater through erosion, from wood preservatives, petroleum production, animal feed additives and arsenic-containing pesticides.

Why be concerned?

Long-term exposure to arsenic, even at low levels, can be seriously harmful to your health and cause a host of physical problems, particularly if you are drinking or cooking with water contaminated with arsenic.


According to the CDC, Neither boiling not chlorination of water will effectively remove arsenic, and the former may actually raise the concentration of already existing Arsenic, making cooking even more hazardous. 

The Kinetico’s K5 Drinking Water Station is certified to reduce pentavalent arsenic (As V) in water. If trivalent arsenic (As III) is present, adding the Arsenic Guard FlexFilter cartridge will provide total protection. For those who want a solution for the entire home, Kinetico’s whole-house Arsenic Guard is a great option.

Chromium 6

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Chromium 6, or hexavalent chromium, is a highly toxic and carcinogenic form of the element chromium. While Chromium is found naturally in our soil and poses no threat, Chromium-6 is a known toxin that is commonly used in industrial processes such as chrome plating, stainless steel production, and as a pigment in dyes and paints.

Why be concerned?

Despite its usefulness in manufacturing, exposure to Chromium-6 can pose serious health risks such as respiratory problems, skin irritation, and an increased risk of lung cancer. Environmental contamination from industrial sites is a significant concern, and in some places has led to more stringent regulations and efforts to limit its release and protect public health. However, Chromium 6 is still found in drinking water at alarming levels, and requires a water treatment solution.


Your fridge filter alone will not remove Chromium 6 from water, but there are several effective treatment methods available:

Reverse Osmosis (RO): This process uses a semipermeable membrane to remove contaminants, including Chromium 6, by forcing water through the membrane, leaving impurities behind. RO is highly effective and widely used in both residential and industrial settings. 

Kinetico currently offers two diverse Reverse Osmosis solutions depending on your needs,  the K5 Drinking Water Station with VOC Guard and the AquaKinetic A200 Drinking Water System.

Ion Exchange: Ion exchange systems replace undesirable ions, such as hexavalent chromium, with more benign ions. For Chromium 6, anion exchange resins are specifically used to capture and remove the toxic ions from water.

Both the Kinetico Premier Series water softeners and the rest of our water softener options will effectively eliminate Chromium-6 ions, and that’s just one item on a long list of water benefits that come with softening and ion exchange.


Taste & Smell

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Pure, clean water is colorless, tasteless, odorless, and completely free of contaminants. Unfortunately, most tap water has an unusual smell or taste, prompting many Americans to choose bottled water. 

Why be concerned?

Bottled water is an expensive and environmentally disastrous solution to the problem of bad tasting water.  The production and transportation of bottled water consume millions of barrels of oil every year, contributing to the billions of plastic bottles that end up in landfills and in our oceans. We can do better.


The Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station with VOC Guard is a cutting-edge reverse osmosis drinking water system that was engineered to be a convenient, economical solution for creating better tasting and smelling water. With 99% contaminant removal, all that’s left is crisp, delicious water.

Hardness & Staining

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Hardness in water refers to the concentration of dissolved minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium. High levels of these minerals can cause damaging scale buildup in pipes and appliances, reducing their efficiency and lifespan. Hard water also makes it difficult to create lather with soap, leading to increased usage and potential skin irritation.It also makes organic and natural cleaners less effective, and that’s bad for the earth.

Why be concerned?

Water staining is often due to the presence of  iron, manganese, or other minerals. These minerals can cause discoloration of laundry, plumbing fixtures and surfaces. often appearing as reddish-brown, black, or bluish-green stains. Both hardness and staining are common water quality issues in modern homes which can be managed easily with the right solution.


Water Softeners: Using an ion exchange process to remove calcium and magnesium ions and replacing them with sodium or potassium ions is an effective way to soften water, and help prevent scale buildup in pipes and appliances, improving their efficiency and lifespan, and allows for better soap and detergent performance.

Explore the Kinetico Premier Series water softeners and the rest of our water softener options right here..

Reverse Osmosis Systems: Reverse Osmosis systems like the K5 Drinking Water Station with VOC Guard and the AquaKinetic A200 Drinking Water System offer a more comprehensive water purification solution, removing a wide range of contaminants, including minerals causing hardness and staining.


Alkalinity & PH

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Alkalinity in water measures its capacity to neutralize acids, primarily due to the presence of bicarbonates, carbonates, and hydroxides. It is a crucial indicator of water’s buffering ability, helping to maintain a stable pH level.

Similar but different, pH level measures how acidic or basic the water is on a scale of 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH below 7 indicates acidity, while a pH above 7 indicates alkalinity.

Why be concerned?

Proper pH balance is essential for water quality, affecting the solubility and biological availability of chemicals and nutrients. Both alkalinity and pH are critical parameters in water treatment, influencing processes such as corrosion control, disinfection, and overall water stability.


The Kinetico Mineral Plus Cartridge is one of the many ways in which the K5 is fantastically customizable, and this one cartridge adds a blend of beneficial minerals  to your drinking water, such as calcium, magnesium & phosphates. Not only do they  have the benefit of giving the water its ‘body’ as well as ’roundness’ of taste, the minerals also raise the PH Level of reverse osmosis purified water to a balanced 7-7.5Ph. 

The neutralizer is a simple, single-tank option for neutralizing the pH of your water, helping to eliminate the problems associated with acidic water.

And finally, the Kinetico dual-tank calcite backwashing filter  addresses problems associated with acidic water (blue-green stains on copper fixtures or pipes, or in tubs and sinks) by using calcite to raise the pH of your water to a neutral level of 7.

Contact us today and we’ll send an expert to tell you exactly which solution is right for you, at a price you can afford.

Forever Chemicals

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“Forever chemicals,” or PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a group of synthetic chemicals widely used in industry for their resistance to water, oil, and heat. Commonly found in products like non-stick cookware, water-repellent clothing, and firefighting foams, PFAS are highly persistent in the environment and human body, earning their nickname.

Why be concerned?

Forever chemicals do not break down easily and can accumulate in the environment and all living bodies over time, leading to potential health risks such as cancer, liver damage, and immune system effects. Contamination of water supplies with PFAS is a growing concern, prompting efforts to regulate and remove these pollutants through advanced filtration and treatment technologies.


For 99% contaminant removal, there’s no better option than the The K5 with VOC Guard significantly reduces more contaminants than any other drinking water treatment unit and is certified by WQA to NSF/ANSI Standard 58 for PFOS/PFOA removal. The K5 comes standard with a VOC filter, giving you the ultimate protection from volatile organic compounds likes gasoline, solvents, cleaners and degreasers, paints, inks and dyes, and pesticides. 

The K5 is also customizable, with an entire line of affordable, easy-to-install filters that allow for even more protection.


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Verified Customer Reviews

Sean was professional, very knowledgeable and skillful in servicing the water filtering system. Great Job Sean, and Thank You!
We have been using AAA products and services for several years. We never have any problems with them. Good company and service also hired good technicians.
Tommy was great!
My parents had been living with water that tested high in calcium and nitrate levels past legal limits. They'd been living under these horrid conditions for 3 years. My father AND mother started seeing skin & health issues from it. I recently moved in and pin pointed it to the water. It didn't taste right or feel right to me, also I started developing a rash.We contacted AAA water systems and they quickly came by and did their inspection/evaluation. (Forgot his name) He came out and spent hours with us as well as time on the phone with the house owner telling them how serious the situation was.He advocated and fought for us. After some time the house owner decided to go with their services. AAA came out and made sure everything was installed properly and took their time explaining necessary details. Almost immediately a difference was noticed. Unfortunately, my parents need to bring their skin & health issues with their doctors but getting the water fixed was a start that we needed towards getting them better. They are very customer driven, professional, and take their time to make sure everything is taken care of. They definitely go above and beyond. Thank you! You guys helped turn around a lot of things for my parents just by helping with their water.
Oscar Rios Maran was excellent with the installation of our Reverse Osmosis and update to our water softener. Oscar was very respectful and showed pride in his work. AAA water systems should make every effort to retain Oscar as an employee.
I appreciate how well AAA operates their business, keeps records, and their customer service folks understand their prosucta. Darik Miller was great in all ways…..professional, technically sound and personable.
Alfonso Camacho provided great service today for filter change to our water system that we have to do every 3 years. He was very professional. He answered...
Very professional and knowledgeable on the product. Was willing to share knowledge on issues that you can encounter and remedies towards it.Very approachable. Has vast amount of teaching experience.All in all, very satisfied with the service!
Scott has always been a great representative of Kinetico water systems. We have been very happy customers for over 30 years! Scott installed a Kinetico soft water system in our first home and he was very conscious in his quality of work, which showed back then and the quality of his installation of our new R/O system today was top notch! It’s always a pleasure to talk with Scott and he’s a very knowledgeable employee of AAA Water Systems. Thank you!
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