All You Need To Know About Dechlorinators

If you’ve ever been to a public swimming pool, then you know exactly how chlorine tastes. That’s because public swimming pools have a higher content of chlorine to kill off any bacteria and germs that the swimmers bring into the pool. However, chlorine...

9 Diseases Caused By Consuming Impure Water

America faces a massive water crisis; experts estimate that forty US states will encounter water shortages in the next few years. However, water shortage isn’t the only problem Americans face; the growing consumption of contaminated water is a rising cause of concern....

Smelly Water: How to Treat It?

The famous rotten egg odor that comes from your water can be a hindrance to your everyday water use. Luckily, the unpleasant sulfur smell that comes from well water is treatable. In most cases, residential water filtration systems will do the job by effectively...